Anjali Tyagi


Chat App

Within this project, I created a chatting app using Reactjs. I used gifted chat for the UI purpose

See my project on Github

To-do list app

Within this project, a user can add an item to their list, cancel it and delete it. It’s written in JavaScript.

See my project on Github

MyFlix API

Within this project, I developed a REST API that will let you add a new user, delete user, etc. built using MERN stack. Practised working on relational and non-relational DB.

See my project on Github
View the Case Study on this Project

MyFlix Client Side

Built using reacts, this app hosts the front end of the myFlix app.

See my project on Github

Meet App

This is a meet appp developed using reactjs. I used google's calendar api to fetch the calendar data, and AWS lamba function for storing critical data.

See my project on Github

Your project

I can help in realising front-end and back-end project with the following technologies: React.js, JavaScript, Java, JavaFX, HTML and CSS. I am also happy to learn other technologies if needed.

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